Infinity Plus

February 8-28, 2017
Ground Floor Gallery, Solaire Hotel and Casino

Just before the Chinese Lunar New Year, Solaire Resort and Casino and Gallerie Roberto, present “Infinity Plus”, the solo art exhibition of “Visual Olympian” Joe Datuin. It showcases his latest geometric abstraction works featuring the infinity symbol, an imagery that signifies unending prosperity, positivity and abundance. The exhibit is timely, especially that it coincides with the season when it is traditional to gather the family and hope for good fortune in the coming year.

Inifinity Plus is the result of combining all the artist’s influences and original creative invention. It is also his artistic response to a major influence - American pop visual artist Andy Warhol - who created a Dollar Signs Series of silk screen works. In the Dollar Signs, Warhol is quoted said that "big-time art is big-time money" and, with his brutal truthfulness, bluntly printed the sign for money as the sign for art.” In this tradition, Joe uses the infinity sign, believing that art nowadays, is defined by many possibilities. the military unrest in the province of Marawi in Mindanao.

While his past exhibition pays homage to masters whom he looks up to, Infinity Plus showcases the amalgamation of his influences. In here, he distills the admirable qualities from the works of masters, like the simplicity of Mondrian’s lines, the childish playfulness of Miro’s compositions, and the vivacious burst of colors of Matisse’s collages – to create his own style. Also, Joe focuses on the two dimensional for the series, and as such, departs from his signature style of fusing stainless steel rings with paintings.

 The exhibition is also two part, and is composed of works from past shows, as well as new creations. The variety offers a polarity of the old and the new, and a visual hindsight of the artist’s stylistic progression through the years. 

Part of the proceeds will go to the victims of the military unrest in the province of Marawi in Mindanao.


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